The Fortress (La Rocca)

The Fortress (La Rocca)

Type: Palaces and Castles

On top of the highest hill of Solferino, surrounded by a large park, there is a majestic fortress 23 meters high, which dates back to 1022, called “The Spy of Italy” for its strategic location. This hill was disputed by the French army against the Austrians, allies of Piedmont in the battle of 24 June, 1859. The fortress has been bought and restored by the Company of Solferino and San Martino ( and preserves now war heirlooms and items found on the battlefield.
Inside, along the path that leads to the roof terrace, are exposed documents relating to the history of the Rocca and the mint of the Gonzaga of Solferino. Just before the terrace, there is a large room, called the “Hall of Sovereigns”, exposing portraits of Vittorio Emanuele II and Vittorio Emanuele III. From the roof terrace, you can enjoy the wonderful view of the countryside below. In the distance, looking north, you can spot the San Martino Tower, which is about 10km away, and Lake Garda. Looking south are visible the vast Po Valley up to the Apennines and Castiglione delle Stiviere.

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ADULTI: 2,50 €


BAMBINI 6-10 anni: 1,00 €


RIDOTTO 11-18 anni e ultra 65 + COMITIVE: 2,00 €


COMITIVA CON GUIDA (pren. obbligatoria): 3,00 €


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